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Welcome to MDO!

Sultanate of Oman has some of the world's wealthiest and most diverse mineral deposits. In fact, our country has a history of copper mining dating back to 5000 years.

Today, Minerals Development Oman (MDO) continues to build on Oman's rich mining heritage, utilizing all the resources available to create a sustainable future for Oman, while taking into consideration Oman’s 2040 vision laid out by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik - May God Protect Him.

MDO's vision is inspired not only by Oman's rich history of mining, but its young and aspiring new generation of geologists and engineers who are ready to take up the challenge and drive the Omani mining sector to the future.

MDO's unique portfolio covering several commodities, metallic and industrial, develops projects in up and downstream, allowing the Company to attract players and partners in different spheres of business. MDO has a strong belief that Oman's mining industry is on a growth path, supported by several competitive advantages such as the government's impetus, encouraging regulations and well-established logistical solutions.

MDO is fully committed to a sustainable approach in doing business. MDO strives to be a good citizen by empowering its communities and engaging with them at all times. MDO is confident in its ability to deliver its promise and maintain the highest standards of governance and best practices, in order to be a role model for empowering a sustainable mining industry locally and internationally.

- Dr. Badar Al Kharusi, Chairman 

All copyrights are preserved to Minerals Development Oman SAOC 2025